APEH Free-Response Thematic Question Bank 2010-11 Midterm Exam
Write an essay that:
-Has a relevant thesis
-Addresses all parts of the question
-Supports thesis with specific evidence
-Is well organized
You will have to choose 1 question from each from 2 separate groups. Only 6 of these questions will be on the exam.
1. Discuss the pre-existing conditions that contributed to the health crisis of the Black Death during the late Middle Ages.
2. Discuss the impact of the invention of the printing press on the northern Renaissance.
3. Compare and contrast the policies of the Catholic Church in Europe before and after the Council of Trent.
4. Analyze some of the existing conditions that led to the Thirty Years’ War.
5. Describe the experience of the Huguenots in seventeenth-century France.
6. Compare and contrast the political views of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes.
7. How and to what extent did the Whigs participate in the English government under George I?
8. Describe some of the ways in which the Industrial Revolution transformed the workplace for women.
9. Analyze how William Pitt’s strategy in the French West Indies and India led to England’s acquisition of America.
10. Discuss the attitudes of Enlightenment thinkers toward organized religion.
11. To what extent was the Third Estate responsible for altering the course of the French government?